Long time ago there was village there was a child and mother. They are a poor family, hi son is very beatiful but has a bad character and very lazy. The girl every day just look in the mirror while her mother made a living for everyday life.
One day the girl asked to buy a dress. At first her mother disagreed, but she forced and threatened her and cried.

“Mother I want to buy a dress now?” Said child.
 “Sorry, I have no money” Said Mother.
 “Do not want to know mother have to buy me a dress otherwise I will cry.” Said Child.

The mother felt so sad that she decided to buy a dress for her son. The next day his mother and son went to a market.
Child                   :   “Our mother goes to market, but mother have to walk behind me.”

The mother sad because of he son words. After buy the dress they go home while on the road.

“Is that behind you your mother.” Said young man.
“It’s not possible to look at them differently.” Said young man.
“Of course is not that it is my maid.” Said girl.

His mother was very disappointed with his son words. Because the question-question was repetedly said. The mother could not stand it.

 “Oh my god. I am nit strong enough to hold this insult again. Punish the son of the servant.”

Some then the cild is stiff and over time the child becomes a stone.

 “My mother forgive me, please forgive me.”
 “Sorry son is to lake.”

The child turns to but tears out continuosly from his eyes.. so in the name stone crying.

Moral value    : We should not be ungodly to parents, especially our mothers.

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